I have thought that I would have a pretty good idea of the kinds of trouble my daughter has likely to have gotten into in the 2 years since she left our state. I have recently been brought “up to speed” by someone who has known her for much of that time. She was busier than I thought. Where do I even start to describe the trouble she is in.

She is scheduled for trial next month in mid-March…Grand Theft associated with stolen credit card information. She told me that a friend gave her his credit card info so they could order pizza online one night. She said she saved the number on her device and bought take-out pizzas at subsequent times without permission. She may have done that but my guess is that she also used that credit card as a spending playground. If I go to the trial it would only be for the objective of finding out the truth. The problem is that she has been a “no show” at other court dates so the likelihood is high she would “no show” again.

In addition to the above…just to further complicate matters, last year she managed to total two rental cars…which being only 21, she was driving without authorization to do so. I can see from the state repository that she has a fourth case pending (I think that is one of her outstanding warrants) for Grand Larceny. I wonder if the rental car agency is going after her or whether my daughter has committed some other crime that I will find out about later.

Just to do the math, that’s three court cases so far. The first two ended in plea bargains. The third one is the one going to trial next month. There is the larceny case for which she has yet to be booked for. There are 4 additional sealed cases. I think that makes 8…or maybe 7 if the larceny case is part of that. Throw in some traffic violations for which she failed to show in court, adoption court dates for which she has also failed to show and one gets a sense of the current picture.

Possibly pending in the future is the fact that while she was pregnant with this last baby, she was running concurrent adoption discussions with at least three different families through various channels….probably for the up-front living expenses that can be legally paid to an unwed mother by the adoptive couple.

She was evicted from her last place for non-payment. It appears that she is presently hiding from the authorities as at least one of the warrants that I can read about on-line is without bail because of the “no show” court appearances. As far as I can tell, she is keeping her current location hidden from anyone who knows her. Recently, court papers were attempted to be served at her supposed work location. Turns out she had never worked there. Shocker. Sarcasm intended. She has faked a job in the past.

If the authorities find my daughter before her trial, they had better hold onto her. It may be too late as she may have already run from the city or even from the state. Let’s see, she has warrants in two states now. There are 48 to go…one or two years in each, it could keep the state court systems busy for years to come.

The girl needs some prison time. Seriously.