Hurting life? Want to move from Bitter to Better?

  • red hearts on a wooden table
  • Purple field of flowers blanket the ground under a forest of trees, with the sun peeking through the trees.
  • Sign on a post that says "Happily Ever After" in red printing on a white background with a red arrow pointing to the left.

When Kids Cause a Hurting Life

Do others appear to be traversing through lives that look easier than yours? When I started this blog, I was an emotionally exhausted mom, trying to keep my daughter from behaviorally spinning out of control. I hurt, I was bitter over my life circumstances and was failing miserably at emotional balance. It is a decade later now and life still hurts. The wayward daughter is now a diagnosed sociopath and in prison.


Join Me as I Journey from Bitter to Better

I am still choosing every day how I am going to react to my “hurting life” circumstances. I can be bitter about the pain I encounter, or I can use that pain to strive to be a better person. I invite you to join me in my journey.


Click on My Story to find out more details about my family journey that led to this blog.  This blog is anonymous, however the About link will give a bit more info about me. Click on Posts for the most recent posts.