Pandemic Lessons from a Six Year Old

I have been watching how my six year old granddaughter deals with the COVID crisis and “shelter in place” guidelines.  I have decided that there are lessons that she (and other kids as well) can give us “grown-ups” during this time.

Here are a few:

Be Kind to Others. It Helps.  Our granddaughter showed kindness recently […]

By |May 16th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Pandemic Lessons from a Six Year Old

Easter Weekend and Book Update

I thought that I posted this Easter weekend but it was stuck in my drafts. Whoops. I will post it now…

As I write this blog on Saturday afternoon of Easter weekend, my husband and I are looking forward to celebrating Easter through an on-line, live-streamed service, watching while sitting on our couch. […]

By |May 16th, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on Easter Weekend and Book Update

Goal: Finish. Need: Prayer

The woman in the picture staring down the path
is metaphorically me.  There is a
path before me.  I have been on it for
two years and I am rather comfortable there. 
See how the path beckons the eye to see as far down it as possible?  The scene is lovely…there is a green, grassy
field to the right, […]

By |March 22nd, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on Goal: Finish. Need: Prayer

Stay Calm…But Pick Up Some Extra TP

I have never in my lifetime seen the starkly empty metal shelves in grocery stores; now gaping spaces that used to be well stocked with basic supplies. A run on toilet paper…really?  We are supposed to have a two-week supply of provisions on hand so who is buying up a year supply of TP and […]

By |March 15th, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on Stay Calm…But Pick Up Some Extra TP

Coronavirus and Me

Like much of the world, I have been following the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.  Two months ago, I had never heard of it; now it dominates my news-feed on my phone, probably because I read every story I see.

China is a long way away from where I live.  The countries that have had the highest […]

By |February 29th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Coronavirus and Me

Son #2: Quiet Character

There are those people who when they walk into a room, bring in an invisible magnetic field around them that draws attention to them.  My oldest son is that way; an extrovert who loves to be around people.  He is a natural storyteller and at family gatherings has often related interactions with people in their […]

By |February 16th, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on Son #2: Quiet Character

Proud Moment: My Son’s Police Badge Pinning Ceremony

My husband and I flew out of state a few days ago to see my son’s police badge pinning ceremony.  In all likelihood, he will stay at this department for a career; since we had been unable to attend his badge pinning at his first department two years earlier, we were absolutely going to […]

By |February 9th, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on Proud Moment: My Son’s Police Badge Pinning Ceremony

Let It Go

My 6-year-old granddaughter loves the Frozen movies; both of them.  She knows “Let It Go” and will sometimes spontaneously sing the song while I’m driving her to or from school.  I think she has an unusually nice voice (or am I biased as the Nana?) and I always listen delightedly to her unselfconscious rendition […]

By |February 2nd, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on Let It Go

I’m Planning to Grow Up. Soon.

Last Fall, in my blog, I discussed three instances of “waiting”. Since then, there have been some changes. My son found another job in the city that he and his wife had hoped to move to. After a good year in an unsettled state and “waiting”, all their hopes and dreams with respect to […]

By |January 26th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on I’m Planning to Grow Up. Soon.

How Much Longer, God?

I have been in God’s waiting room with our business and I don’t know how much longer I will be there.  My oldest son is waiting for a job to be able to move to a different state.  My youngest son is waiting also for improved health.  In all of these circumstances, it’s hard […]

By |September 8th, 2019|Current Events|Comments Off on How Much Longer, God?