Happy 24th to My Youngest Daughter

My youngest daughter is going to turn 24 in about a week. I still remember coming home from the airport with her so many years ago. She was 2 ½ years old and we were bringing her to our home from China. I clearly remember thinking as we drove to our home, that this […]

By |August 16th, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on Happy 24th to My Youngest Daughter

My Aunt Woke Up in Heaven This Week

I got a call this week from a nurse about my 98-year-old aunt. My aunt has been in a nursing home for almost five years after a fall that broke a bone in her upper leg and left her too weak to walk. The nursing home has taken excellent care of her over the […]

By |August 2nd, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on My Aunt Woke Up in Heaven This Week

Independence Day

We celebrated Independence Day today. Some of our adult kids in the area came by for our traditional BBQ and a long-time family friends’ daughter came by as well…she is an honorary “one of our kids”. It just happened that today was also the Saturday in which we normally have our 6-year-old granddaughter for […]

By |July 5th, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on Independence Day

Goodbye to E

I was with a 95 year old relative when she passed away yesterday afternoon; I will call her E.  She had been living alone in an assisted living apartment and had fallen a couple of weeks ago.  Due to the pandemic, meals had been brought to her apartment instead of eating in the dining […]

By |June 6th, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on Goodbye to E

How to Hug When Unable to Hug?

In the past few months, I have often heard, “If you love your elderly relative, don’t hug them”.  I took that to heart with my husband’s grandmother, not even visiting her from late April until last week.  I knew I would feel terrible if I inadvertently passed on COVID to her.  At 104, she […]

By |May 30th, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on How to Hug When Unable to Hug?

Virtual Graduations

A year ago, my sister and I looked at our calendars to see when our respective kids would have graduations as we wanted to be able to attend each kid’s special day. Who knew that everything would be virtual?

My second oldest son graduated from college last week.  Although he was not planning on “walking […]

By |May 24th, 2020|Current Events, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Virtual Graduations

Easter Weekend and Book Update

I thought that I posted this Easter weekend but it was stuck in my drafts. Whoops. I will post it now…

As I write this blog on Saturday afternoon of Easter weekend, my husband and I are looking forward to celebrating Easter through an on-line, live-streamed service, watching while sitting on our couch. […]

By |May 16th, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on Easter Weekend and Book Update

Goal: Finish. Need: Prayer

The woman in the picture staring down the path
is metaphorically me.  There is a
path before me.  I have been on it for
two years and I am rather comfortable there. 
See how the path beckons the eye to see as far down it as possible?  The scene is lovely…there is a green, grassy
field to the right, […]

By |March 22nd, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on Goal: Finish. Need: Prayer

Stay Calm…But Pick Up Some Extra TP

I have never in my lifetime seen the starkly empty metal shelves in grocery stores; now gaping spaces that used to be well stocked with basic supplies. A run on toilet paper…really?  We are supposed to have a two-week supply of provisions on hand so who is buying up a year supply of TP and […]

By |March 15th, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on Stay Calm…But Pick Up Some Extra TP

Son #2: Quiet Character

There are those people who when they walk into a room, bring in an invisible magnetic field around them that draws attention to them.  My oldest son is that way; an extrovert who loves to be around people.  He is a natural storyteller and at family gatherings has often related interactions with people in their […]

By |February 16th, 2020|Current Events|Comments Off on Son #2: Quiet Character