Youngest Daughter’s 28th; I Allowed Myself One Day of “Sad”

Title Image: “Draw This Birthday Cake” is licensed under Public Domain CC0 1.0 Universal Deed
It was my younger daughter’s 28th birthday yesterday. I sent a “Happy Birthday wherever you are” message to what used to be her email address, the only form of contact (maybe) I have for her. Even that email contact […]

By |August 24th, 2024|Current Events|Comments Off on Youngest Daughter’s 28th; I Allowed Myself One Day of “Sad”

Boundaries with Incarcerated Sociopathic Daughter

Title Image: Mother Tucking Children into Bed by Norman Rockwell licensed under public domain PDM 1.0 Deed

Norman Rockwell Paintings

I love Norman Rockwell paintings. I fully realize that they are the quintessential “Americana” portraits of life in the early to mid-twentieth century and as such are an idealized version of family life. Still, there is […]

By |August 4th, 2024|Viewpoint|Comments Off on Boundaries with Incarcerated Sociopathic Daughter