My Daughter is a Sociopath, Part 2

Title Image: PxHere Mother-Daughter_Public Domain is licensed under CC1.0
I chose the title image as it shows the relationship I think we all want with our daughters. The young daughter gives a gift of a pretty flower she picked just for her mom. The mom joyfully drops down to her daughter’s level to receive the […]

By |July 29th, 2024|Current Events|Comments Off on My Daughter is a Sociopath, Part 2

My Daughter is a Sociopath

Title image: Flickr “Fact Check” is licensed under CC BY 2.0

My daughter is a Sociopath. I have been thinking about that word a lot lately, as if “sociopath” is a math problem that if I just concentrate long enough on, I can solve.

What does “sociopath” even mean? What does the label mean in terms […]

By |July 11th, 2024|Viewpoint|Comments Off on My Daughter is a Sociopath